Thursday, May 27, 2010

Crazy People

What is in the water that is making people crazy? Is it the oil spill? I've noticed more and more people getting angrier and angrier over stupid small stuff. Okay so this lady comes into the store where I work (grocery/retail), and she comes through my line, the last few items she has are banannas, grapes, and mushrooms. So as any normal cashier does I placed them all in the same bag. None of them are going to hurt each other, banannas are heavier than grapes and grapes are heavier than mushrooms, so anyone with higher than a 3rd grade education knows which order they go in the bag.

So anyways, I tell the lady her total and then she looks at me and says "did you just put my banannas in that bag?". I replied "Yes mam, all your fruits and veggies are in one bag together, and she FLIPS. Instead of asking nicely and saying "can I get a seperate bag for the banannas" or something like that, she flips the f*** out on me. She starts ranting "your squishing my bananas" "they are going to be ruined" "why did you put my bananas in that bag" with as straight a face as I could I looked at her and said "'re freaking out over bananas". In my opinion anyone who freaks out over bananas should be shot in the head because you are an idiot.

So she huffs and puffs her way out of the store and I laugh the entire time because I just can't believe how stupid some people can be. THEY ARE BANANA'S I SWEAR THAT THEY WONT GET HURT BY THE EVIL GRAPES!! AHHHH!! but watch out for those mushrooms, I hear they hold grudges.


Oh, and then earlier in the day I had this older couple who came through my line and I had a very nice coworker of mine that was helping me bag items, and maybe she doesn't have as much training as some of the other people as far as bagging goes, but it wasn't like she killed someone.

So Amy* (name changed), bags the groceries. The couple had a mixture of cold and not cold stuff. Some of the cold stuff got put with some stuff that wasn't cold, and this old lady gets all upset and says "that dumb mexican needs to go back to school and get an education"...well since I've officially had it with mean and rude people, I looked right at her, pointed my finger and said "listen to me lady, she might have not bagged your items how you want them bagged, but at least she bagged them, maybe she needs more hands-on training, but one thing she is not stupid, and just because she is a mexican is absolutely irrelevant". I told her not to come through my line again if she is going to be mean and rude to my coworkers. She looked at me all surprised and then left with her husband and I repeated to her that she was extremely rude.

So people the next time you are out and about and you think you are going to blow up at someone, you better hope it isn't me...because I'll put you in your damn place. People need to take some chill pills.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Footloose: The Musical

I am so honored to be able to be apart of a huge musical production this year. "Footloose the Musical" (based on the movie with Kevin Bacon). I will be playing Mrs. Hewitt who is Willard's Mother. I am the inspiration for the song "Mama Says". Which in my opinion is one of the better songs in the

So we have just started rehersals and I am very excited that we will get to put on this show this summer. I am looking forward to a very exciting summer. I'll keep ya'll updated on everything as it rolls in.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Why I don't believe in God.

So I get asked this question alot. There are people (christians) who don't seem to understand why I don't believe.

When I was younger I used to believe. I went to church every Sunday. I read (or at least at the time skimmed) through the bible. I listened to the pastor spread his message. And it only took a couple of years before stuff started to go very wrong.

1st) Here are these "rules" in the bible. Every christian is suppose to follow these "rules" or will forever burn in hell. So I started paying attention to people from church that I would see throughout the rest of the week. What a bunch of hypocrites! There were people cheating on their spouses, having sex outside of wedlock, breaking every commandment in the book, and yet they come to church on Sunday and magically all their sins are wiped away, and they get a clean slate for the next week. That doesn't seem right. Seems kinda messed up. Basically the message it is sending is that I can go out and murder someone, go have unprotected sex, have an abortion, do drugs, drink until I can't stand up, but then on Sunday I get to just clean the slate, and what I've done means nothing.

Whatever. People should hold themselves and be held accountable by others for everything they do, and there shouldn't be a magic erase button. Can you imagine if our justice system was ran that way. "Oh Mr. Killer, we realize that you just murdered a family of 4 including their 3 month old child, but since it's been a week, all your crimes have been forgiving, have a nice life."

I know I wouldn't want to live in that world.

2nd) People say that God is all-knowing and all-loving, but look at how many people it commands be put to death. Anybody who has an affair, any teenager that disobeys the parent, homosexuals, anyone who works on the sabbath, and the list goes on and on. The TRUTH of the matter is that if all the people that the bible says to kill were to drop dead tomorrow....THERE WOULDN'T BE ANYONE ALIVE!!

3rd) Christianity believes that it is wrong for a man and another man to be together (although I find it funny that it says nothing of lesbian relationships). So you're telling me that you really believe that it is more okay for two heterosexual people who beat the shit out of each other day after day to get married, then for two gay people who have been together 20 years and actually love each other.

4th) I find it hard that an all-loving God would allow millions of children to die everyday. If God would make it rain just a little more in some areas then the people would be able to grow more food and would then be able to support themselves better. But does he make it easier for them? NO. Infact millions of them die from starvation everyday. If he really existed and really was all-loving, then there would be no suffering.

5th) There is absolutely no proof that he exists. Why wouldn't he show himself "again". Seriously its been like 2,000 years since the first time he supposably showed himself. So why wait. If he wants me to believe (which is what the bible says) then when I turn around at the end of this sentence he will be standing in the middle of my room...Here I go...Look at that...NOTHING. No God, just my books and my fan.

The bible also says in many places that if people pray they will be answered. It PROMISES that you will be answered. However I guarantee you that if every person on this planet started praying for a cure to cancer, or to no more war, or anything else that would affect the masses, I GUARANTEE you that nothing would change.

In my opinion, life is just a big game of chance. Coincidences happen (stuff like you pray your friend will get better and they do), and I can say with extreme certainty that unless God comes and stands in the middle of my room and tells me and shows me that he exists, that I will never believe in him again. It's a bunch of lies that are meant to brainwash people into doing others bidding.

A world without ANY religion would be the PERFECT world.

Monday, April 12, 2010 is doing an awesome thing. For every review that you post on their website they will pay you $1.00 (up to 100)!!

There is a catch, but one that can easily be taken care of. Your review has to have been found "helpful" by at least 1 person. So spread the words to your friends that you need your reviews to be found helpful.

So what are you all waiting for! Go to today and sign up for this incredible offer. All money is paid out by paypal, and this offer ends on April 30th!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Franklin Goose

They are running a paid review period until March 31st. For every review you post on their site on products that you've bought and used, they will pay you $5 in store credit.

If you are a parent, eco-friendly or not, then you need to take advantage of this opportunity! I know I am going to since we've used alot of the products with all the babies running around our house.

Friday, March 12, 2010

This is such a wonderful site. Basically all you do is log on and tell them a little about yourself (and by little I mean only a few question maybe every other day). They want to know about you, but not all at once like some of the other sites that I've been to who want you to fill out a 60 page profile upon joining.

Now Beezag gives you between 2-4 ads daily to watch, and in return they give you money. It's not much, some of the ads only get you .08, but some pay you .15. And they start to add up. To date I have earned well over $10 just by simply watching a few ads everyday.

Seriously this is one of the few legitimate sites that actually pay you for your time. So if you have a PIN number you can sign up and start right away, otherwise you have to join the waiting list. I have no idea how long the waiting list is, but it is totally worth it.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


So facebook is really making me mad. Everytime I try and do something the damn page errors. I can't accept any of the "gifts" for the games that I play...errr. It's just so upsetting that the website never seems to be working. Maybe if they spent less time trying to "upgrade" what isn't broken and work on fixing what obviously is broken, then maybe the site would actually work.