Sunday, April 25, 2010

Why I don't believe in God.

So I get asked this question alot. There are people (christians) who don't seem to understand why I don't believe.

When I was younger I used to believe. I went to church every Sunday. I read (or at least at the time skimmed) through the bible. I listened to the pastor spread his message. And it only took a couple of years before stuff started to go very wrong.

1st) Here are these "rules" in the bible. Every christian is suppose to follow these "rules" or will forever burn in hell. So I started paying attention to people from church that I would see throughout the rest of the week. What a bunch of hypocrites! There were people cheating on their spouses, having sex outside of wedlock, breaking every commandment in the book, and yet they come to church on Sunday and magically all their sins are wiped away, and they get a clean slate for the next week. That doesn't seem right. Seems kinda messed up. Basically the message it is sending is that I can go out and murder someone, go have unprotected sex, have an abortion, do drugs, drink until I can't stand up, but then on Sunday I get to just clean the slate, and what I've done means nothing.

Whatever. People should hold themselves and be held accountable by others for everything they do, and there shouldn't be a magic erase button. Can you imagine if our justice system was ran that way. "Oh Mr. Killer, we realize that you just murdered a family of 4 including their 3 month old child, but since it's been a week, all your crimes have been forgiving, have a nice life."

I know I wouldn't want to live in that world.

2nd) People say that God is all-knowing and all-loving, but look at how many people it commands be put to death. Anybody who has an affair, any teenager that disobeys the parent, homosexuals, anyone who works on the sabbath, and the list goes on and on. The TRUTH of the matter is that if all the people that the bible says to kill were to drop dead tomorrow....THERE WOULDN'T BE ANYONE ALIVE!!

3rd) Christianity believes that it is wrong for a man and another man to be together (although I find it funny that it says nothing of lesbian relationships). So you're telling me that you really believe that it is more okay for two heterosexual people who beat the shit out of each other day after day to get married, then for two gay people who have been together 20 years and actually love each other.

4th) I find it hard that an all-loving God would allow millions of children to die everyday. If God would make it rain just a little more in some areas then the people would be able to grow more food and would then be able to support themselves better. But does he make it easier for them? NO. Infact millions of them die from starvation everyday. If he really existed and really was all-loving, then there would be no suffering.

5th) There is absolutely no proof that he exists. Why wouldn't he show himself "again". Seriously its been like 2,000 years since the first time he supposably showed himself. So why wait. If he wants me to believe (which is what the bible says) then when I turn around at the end of this sentence he will be standing in the middle of my room...Here I go...Look at that...NOTHING. No God, just my books and my fan.

The bible also says in many places that if people pray they will be answered. It PROMISES that you will be answered. However I guarantee you that if every person on this planet started praying for a cure to cancer, or to no more war, or anything else that would affect the masses, I GUARANTEE you that nothing would change.

In my opinion, life is just a big game of chance. Coincidences happen (stuff like you pray your friend will get better and they do), and I can say with extreme certainty that unless God comes and stands in the middle of my room and tells me and shows me that he exists, that I will never believe in him again. It's a bunch of lies that are meant to brainwash people into doing others bidding.

A world without ANY religion would be the PERFECT world.

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