Thursday, February 4, 2010


Have you ever had a dream that you just can't get out of your head? Something you want so bad that you can practically taste it. Have you wanted something but didn't know how to make that dream a reality?

I have a dream. My lifes dream, my career dream. I love singing. Music is my life, I made that decision back in Middle School that it was what I wanted to do. But, through one thing and another I got swayed from one side to another, and got pushed farther from my dream. People told me I couldn't achieve my dream because it was "too out there", at least in their opinion.

My dream is to become and Cruise Ship Entertainer. Specifically for Princess Cruise Lines. How did I decide that this was what I wanted? Well for starters it was the music. The second thing was that I love the ocean, everything about it, how large it is, how comforting it is, but then in a split second it can turn into the most violent force known to man. But even still it is calming. The waves, crashing.

Now with that in mind, I was having trouble deciding what I wanted to do with my future. I could become a teacher and teach music, but I don't really see myself being a teacher. In my opinion it takes something special, and unfortunately I lack that. Or I could take my chances in show business, I could move to LA and try becoming the next big thing, but well everyone knows what the chances of that

So it dawned on me a few years ago and I started looking at getting a cruise ship job. After looking through all the major cruise lines, I decided that Princess was where I was going to work. I've decided it, and I won't accept anything else.

Some of you might think I'm crazy for saying that, but I am big believer in positive thinking. If you think positive things, then you are more likely to get your desired outcome. So I keep thinking positively.

Now, I do have alot of things that I need to do before I can send my first audition DVD in. Things like getting in better shape, and learning some basic dance (I plan to enroll in a class at the local community college soon). In June there is going to be a huge fundraiser for a group that I am involved in, and one part of the event is going to be some live entertainment on a special stage. So I plan on getting on that stage and putting on the performance that will win me a spot on that Cruise Ship. Now to tell you just how many "spots" there are available, there are 15 ships in the Princess Fleet, and each one has up to 4 vocalists that work for 6 month contracts. That means that in the entire company (as far as I know), in the given year there are approximately 120 positions. Thats not alot, but I know in my heart that one of those spots belongs to me.

So that's my dream. I've written down my dream, and written down my goals that I need to achieve in order to reach that goal, and I encourage everybody to do the same. No matter what happens in your life, don't give up on your dreams. Don't give up because something in your life changes. Only move forward. Find out what you need to do to achieve that goal and then do it. Take it one step at a time, and never give up.

I'm not. No matter how much or how little support I have from my family.

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